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Pace, Momentum, and Inner Creative State just a thought

Pace is the speed at which you go through your days. Pace can control you. Tire you. Stress...

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Feeling Success just a thought

The feeling of success is a new idea making its way into the mind from that special place ideas...

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Intuitive Reactions just a thought

You have intuitive reactions to everything every minute of every day.

These reactions are largely...

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Unfair just a thought

Wouldn't it suck to get to the end and realize the only thing that was unfair was the way you...

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Dare to Not Compare just a thought

It's not uncommon to find ourselves living a life that only exists in comparison to another. It...

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Cognizant just a thought

If you are cognizant enough to know why you are experiencing negative feelings toward something...

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The Time Is Now just a thought

If you’re not careful, you can go from thinking, "I'm not old enough to do that" to "I...

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When We Borrow just a thought

A friend's dad used to say, "When you borrow something from someone, you should return it in...

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Look Up just a thought

When was the last time you stopped, looked up, and took stock of what's around you?

What's grown...

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States of Mind just a thought

What if exceptional, great, outstanding, and amazing are simply states of mind?

I bet...

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